Emergency Babysitting Services
If you are looking for a standing Saturday night babysitter, a last minute babysitter, or your nanny is ill and you still need coverage, Sitter Select is the perfect choice for your emergency babysitting needs.
We will help you find someone who is CPR & First Aid certified, reference checked, background cleared by Child Abuse History Clearance specific to Pennsylvania, and interviewed personally by a Sitter Select team member.
Our Contract With Our Sitters Promises:
Your Privacy
Babysitters will not post pictures of children while babysitting.
Your Security
Babysitters will not “check-in” while on sitting assignments (i.e. Foursquare, Facebook location, etc.).
Babysitters will use smart phones for emergency calls only and for communication with parents or Sitter Select team members about the children under their care.
Our Full Attention
Babysitters will restrict internet usage on smart phones while children under their care are awake.
Sitter Select loves working with families who know they need care in advance. We suggest always booking as soon as you know the date and time of your estimated sitting project. That said, we almost always match emergency babysitting requests within 24 hours from your call. Please do not hesitate to contact us with last minute care, we will do our best to fulfill all requests.
Scheduling an Emergency Babysitter
Before calling or filling out our form to schedule an emergency babysitter, below is some information you need to review.
- For the safety of your family and our babysitters, we will only be able to fill your childcare request after you have submitted your family application.
- We are currently only accepting jobs in the Center City and Philadelphia area.
- All of our Sitter Select sitters are hourly, requiring a three-hour minimum when booking a sitter.
- When a sitter works until 10 pm or later, the family is responsible for providing an Uber or cab fare to hired sitter.
- Booking fees: Less than 48 hours notice, $10.00 fee; less than 24 hours notices, $15.00 fee.
We encourage your family to try our services twice before we ask you to join as members. Membership allows you access to all of our services and access to our babysitters for a twelve-month period from the date of the membership.
Click here to see our full Terms and Conditions.
Schedule an Emergency Babysitter
Fill out our Family Application and we will return your inquiry as soon as we receive it.